Thursday, November 23, 2006

Panic-striken or I'm a loser?

So hard to get yourself out whenever you encounter such a panic-striken incident and you are the one who has to be blamed after all...that is it for today!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ya Allah, malunye daku di pagi hari

On ym pagi tadi, tup tup smpi pm dr ramai org cakap benda yg sama dan benda yg sama tue membuatkan aku cuak yg ntah pape. Bleh relax tak korang seme? Aku tau aku takde laa baik sangat but i still know the limits.

Alkisahnye cam nie, I got a pm msg from my fren yesterday. I know it was unusual for me to click on any web addresses especially when i got it thru ym but yesterday i went out of my norm. The address started with geocities bla bla then pinkgurl6.jpg. I thought it must be our raya pictures and i was too excited to look at them. Thereby, I clicked on the website and they asked for my yahoo id and password without noticing anythg different. I key-ed in all details and there were no photos shown. Lecehnya nak tgk gambar, then I left.

This morning, I received pm from many ppl and one of them said "tak sangka ko tgk benda yg lagha". Wait a sec, i never had once n how do they get access to my firefox history in the first place. Confius2. Cuak2. Dlm hat tuhan saje yg tahu. Berkat dr kata2 yg timbul dr hati aku, kalo x salah jgn takut menolong sedikit sebanyak dlm aku tenangkan fikiran aku yg bercelaru.

Pastu ade ckp "Lepas ni habis laa ym ko". Then ding dong, it's somethg wrong with my ym not my browser. Tetiba terdtg idea yg nie mesti aku terforward benda2 yg x elok nie. Tak bleh jadik nie. Right away, i asked my roomate to sign in and eventually i can read what was the msg i (it's not me, it's internet hijacker anyway) sent to everyone in my ym list. OMG, it was geocities bla bla dot com slash short description about a lady. Huhu, ni mmg gmbr yg x senonoh nie. Malunye. Ape nak buat nie. Tolong laa anyone.

I called my fren and asked her whether she aware about the msg that she sent. She said she couldnt open her mail neither the ym after her trip to Galway. OMG, it virus then. I explained everythg to her and asked whether she know ways to unsubscribe the website and suddenly her roomate who also received that msg teach me to delete the cache. I did after her and hopefully it works. Then I asked for Ihsan, my it mate, wakaka, he asked me to change my password. I did. I wanna wait for tomorrow to come and find out whether my yahoo id keep sending address from the websites or not.

Konklusinya, aku x penah tgk dan tak penah terpikir nak send bende2 merapu kat orang. It wasnt me. If u received it by chance, don't open it. Jgn terlebih curious, nanti jdk cam aku yg kononnya nak tgk gmbr yg diupload oleh seorg kawan.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Allah knows by Zain Bikha

When you feel all alone in this world
And there’s nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
Allah knows

No matter what, inside or out
There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt
Allah knows
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
Allah knows

You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Allah knows

Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.
Allah knows

Nie diciplak dr Dr.Dati yang diimport khas dr Melbourne. Thanks Dati for posting it. Love this song to bits, sangat bermakna...

Bleh tgk kat sini

Bile dh tgk video clip tue kat, terclick laa video2 lain yang best2. Mula2 okay laa tgk nasyid pastu cam biase laa tgn nie gatal betul laa nak tgk benda2 lain, pi laa tgk lagu raya ciptaan dak2 Otago yg dh brp kali diusha, padahal takde pape yg best pun..kuku. Alih2 tgk Simpsons pastu Friends pastu Fruit Basket cam2 lagi benda yg melaghakan dan drag smpi 2 3 jam. Niat asal nak tgk video Zain Bikha je. Huhu. So kat sini ade nak bagi tips kat manusia cam aku nie spy masa tdk terbuang begitu shj.

1) Tgh2 tgk video yg ntah pape tue, cube laa kira berapa kali kite dgr ceramah online yang free lagi mantap. Ceramah DID pun tak katam lagi..huhu

2) Igt laa ape itu last minute preparation yg slalu dijadikan alasan oleh sesetengah pelajar yg tak score. Kalo laa tak dpt lagi clue tue Nat oi tak tahu laa

3) Kalo alasan nak improve ur english, rasenya tak tgk clips pun takpe. Juz listen to whatever they say while u read ur notes, gaya cam dgr laguuu

4) Pikir2 blk berapa jam dlm sehari kite pi carik extra info regarding our studies n compare laa huhu

Disebalik tips2 nie, aku merasakan ada juga pekdahnye. Terutama bila otak kita dh penat. Tapi, cepat2 laa keluar dr Youtube bile otak dh segar balik, jgn smpi extra2 segar smpi smyg lmbt, notes tak baca, usrah+halaqah taknak pegi sbb byk masa dh terbuang dgn youtubing...kuku...remember Allah knows no matter, inside or out.

(ingatan utk diri sendiri)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Nak pegi Sha's grad day ke tak?

Tomorrow is Sha's graduation day. And tomorrow I have Anatomy class which no one dare to skip (Except Yusuf, my group mate who happened to go home for Eid and skipped 3 classes in a row and surprisingly got B in the latest CS) and to top it all, both are at 10a.m.

I wud love to go for DBS grand event but I cudn't find any good excuses at this moment. All I can say now is I'm dying to see Prof Ryan and ask him to let me go. Plzz...