Monday, February 23, 2009

Mild form of eczema or allergic to sweats?

I have come to self-diagnose after I had itching and dryness episodes on the sides of my fingers and toes again. This is not surprising as I have similar symptoms every time I'm back to this everyday-you-can-feel-the-dazzling-sun homeland. Last summer, I went to see a GP and he diagnosed allergic to sweats. I could still remember that he asked me to get skin allergy test to recognize the specific allergen or allergens that may cause the symptoms. I tried to escape by telling him I would do that the next time I visit him. During the time, he prescribed (as expected) the steroid cream to be applied twice a day. Fortunately, the symptoms disappeared bit by bit after two weeks and completely disappeared when I'm back to Dublin! Amazing huh!

This time around, I went to see the GP again just to get the steroid cream and i applied it onto all affected areas again and again like the symptoms is nowhere to be found by tomorrow haha. It's almost two weeks now but seems like the cream didn't work this time. Why ah? Yesterday, all of sudden I think of eczema because one could have similar episodes with eczema. Wikipedia is just a click away! Zuupp! Eczema is a form of dermatitis. Huhu. My fingers didn't show any pattern of inflammation therefore maybe not eczema. Nevertheless I found this less common eczema known as dyshidrosis aka housewife's eczema which suits the condition that I now have. It says dyshidrosis only found on palms, soles and sides of fingers and toes. The obvious features are tiny opaque bumps called vesicles (yes, i have this!), thickening (true!) and cracks (yerp!) are accompanied by itching which gets worse at night (i hate this!). It is a common type of hand eczema, it worsens in warm weather (very true!). With insufficient knowledge and inability to come out with other sorts of skin diseases, I would self-diagnose a mild eczema due to the warm weather! Haha.

Alhamdulillah, i finally got a house in Penang. Hope everything goes well. Amin.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Get a driving license..i dunno that it could piss me off

I'm so damn pissed at my driving teacher!!! Hey, i got ears to listen and please don't shout at me, I got eyes to see and please don't tell me where to make a turn, I know Accelerator is at the most far right, Brake is in the middle and Clutch is at the far left oh please don't ask me this ABC question again and again. I admit I dunno how to drive but please don't treat me like I'm an idiot!

So many things happened when I was with him in the car. "Don't do anything, just drive straight" Okay, i'll not do anything and when I didn't change the gear because i waited for him to say it"How many times should i tell you to change the gear upon reaching a turn" Dusshhh!!!There was one time he taught me on the simulated hill for the first time. "Maintain the acceleration, release the clutch, free up the hand brake and go up until the side mirror is parallel to first zebra-crossed post then brake" "Okay, i got it, bismillahirahmanirrahim.." Everything went well in the beginning but then I stopped too early because of too nervous, Arrrggghhh..why now!! He stared at me and said "What did you do? Did you not listen to what I've said??" I was like OMG! How could you tell that to your student, am I the only one who failed doing this for the first time?? It turned into a deep silence because I barely said anything after that point.

On the same day, on the way to send me home and suddenly papppppppp!! he knocked into a car's side mirror when he was about to make a turn. That was not the first incident because he nearly bumped into an oncoming car when he was to make a prohibited U turn. Haha! Here we go, you teach me to control the patience lot on the road but you never portrayed yourself as good driver!!

If I were to grade his teachings, I'll definitely go for zero out of any positive numbers. Today, I skip the lesson and I'm going to call GANDA (the driving school) to change my driving teacher..doakan saya tenang je belajar lepas ni smpi dpt lesen sebab dh rasa cam die melampau sudah..pakcik jgn la jadik cam salesgirl kat mall, sombong x tentu hala!!