Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Elections norm

I came across this and i found it to be funny enough to make me smile today:)

Some cliches to use during election recount;
Every vote is precious.

Every vote is sacred.

Every vote must be counted.

Each vote is like a human voice.

We must determine the will of the people.

The voice of the voters must be heard.
The recount must be full, fair, and accurate.

Our democracy is at stake.

If we ignore votes, we ignore democracy.

We must do what's in the best interest of the country.

We must have a full recount for the good of the country.

We must follow the rule of law.

We don't want a fast result, we want an accurate result.

We can't disenfranchise the voters.

You can't change the rules in the middle of the game.

The votes have already been counted three times.

This election should not be decided in the courts.

They're trying to steal the election.

And I discovered another thing which rather funnier that make me grin today:D

Prior to Permatang Pauh by-election

Menurutnya, hasil laporan kempen BN yang diterimanya setiap malam yang dibuat sejak hari penamaan calon menunjukkan sokongan meningkat dari hari ke hari yang sehingga kini mencapai sekitar 40 hingga 50 peratus.

Kata beliau, semakin ramai pengundi atas pagar di kawasan hitam iaitu kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Penanti dan Permatang Pasir yang sebelum ini dikuasai oleh pembangkang mula memperlihatkan sokongan kepada BN.

“Saya yakin penduduk Permatang Pauh mahukan perubahan,” katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya di Jalan Tenggiri di sini hari ini.

(uttered by Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah. Taken from Utusan Malaysia 250808:"Saingan bertukar rentak * Semakin ramai pengundi atas pagar memihak kepada BN")

Post election

''Realitinya pengundi atas pagar masih gagal dipengaruhi. Ini dapat dilihat daripada majoriti yang dimenangi Anwar kali ini," katanya ketika dihubungi
Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

(said Prof. Datuk Dr. Zainal Kling, a political analyst. Grabbed from Utusan Malaysia 270808: "BN kurang pengaruh pengundi atas pagar')

Haha. What is so good about blowing out of proportion? and what is so wrong with honest reporting? Anyhow the truth will reveal itself.

Big time.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ramadhan is more than a fasting month..

Nice article from (redirect to I can't wait to read on the historic events that occurred during Ramadhan because I'm not the person who going to dig up for historical facts therefore many thanks to everyone that will upload these ready-to-read articles in Ihyaramadhan.

Ramadan: Historic month

Ramadan is more than just the month of fasting or personal piety. It recalls the past, taking one to the very foundations of Islam, and prods one to mull over the significance of historic occasions such as the battle of Badr Al-Kubra and the conquest of Makkah. It is the month, therefore, of celebration, thanksgiving and reflection for every Muslim.

If there is one month that can be designated the Islamic history month, it has to be Ramadan. Traditionally known as the Muslim month of fasting, Ramadan is rooted in Islamic history. It is the month for striving against oneself and conquering one’s will, but it is also the month marked by the most significant external struggles and triumphs in the history of Islam, namely the battle of Badr Al-Kubra and the conquest of Makkah (Mecca). It also marked the divide between Jahiliyyah (not to refer to an historical era but to a state of mind that caused violence and terror in jazirah Arab) period and Islamic civilisation. It is also the month in which Ummul Mukminin Khadijah binti Khuwailid passed away (Al-Fatihah to Ummul Mukminin r.a.).

Original Al-Quran


Ramadan’s significance derives primarily from the fact that it is the month when the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad . The Quran records the event in Al-Baqarah verse 185: “The month of Ramadan is when the Quran was sent down as a guidance for mankind, with explanations for guidance and as a standard(between right and wrong) “. Muslims recall how Prophet Muhammad received the very first revelation of the Quran- “Read in the name of your Lord…” - while meditating alone high up in the mountains of Makkah.

Ramadan is therefore more than just the month of fasting or personal piety. The month recalls the past, taking one to the very foundations of Islam, and prods one to mull over the significance of historic events.

Insya Allah Ihya’ Ramadhan will go through historic events that occurred during Ramadhan of Prophet’s life so that we can take lessons from all those events. We cannot understand his achievement unless we appreciate what he up against. And it is befitting for everyone who loves Prophet Muhammad pbuh to know about him and his struggles for Islam. Now, let us enter the world that made him the last Messenger of Allah nearly fourteen hundred years ago, on a lonely mountain top just outside the holy city of Makkah.

To be continued

I've started reading this recommended-by-everyone book entitled The Islamic Movement Dynamic of Values, Power and Change by Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi. It's well translated but a bit factual which is kinda boring but so far so good and I don't want to end up reading other people's blog:D

Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer sunshine was great fun!

I'm not going to describe everything, but down here is the flow;

Majlis perasmian oleh Pengurus Felda Chini Timur
Program motivasi bersama pelajar form 5 SMK Chini Timur 3

Game goreng pisang

Game telefon buruk

With the kiddos (group 2 rocks!)

Futsal bersama persatuan remaja Felda

Ouch, that's hurt!

Sebelum senaman aerobik bersama persatuan belia Felda

Boat ride mengelilingi Tasik Chini

Di Kg Chendahan

Trying to menyumpit

Merewang bersama penduduk Felda

Jamuan, miss Ajim (anak sedara angkat)

Mendengar taklimat pasal pokok kelapa sawit dan Felda

Majlis penutup bersama Pengetua SMK Chini Timur 3

Bersama mak dan ayah angkat..time kasih daun keladi, ada masa kami datang lagi:)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My moochies

I don't really like animals but to me cats are adorable especially the kittens. We had few cats during our childhood days and when they all died we never had one since then until last year my mom brought in cats back into our house. They are actually Nek Tih's. Kudos to Nek Tih.

Hey guyz, I would like to introduce my 2 moochies named Oyen n Utey. The names are pretty boring i know cause i just named them after their colors. Oyen is a boy and he really acts like a boy, runs all over the house and likes to play with balls or anything that moves. On the other hand, Utey is a little bit quiet, eat Friskies with no complaints and so manageable. All because Utey is a girl. Yes, girls are easier to be managed compared to boys! If you don't have faith in me, please ask your parents. Haha.

I have nothing much to do during the holiday except for cooking dinners for everyone. I really have a passion for is like my new interest. Uwekkk, please ignore the former sentence. Haha. Cooking has never come easy on me and that was why we always ended up dining out/buying food in most of the days.

Back to my moochies. I miss my moochies. I wish I have longer time to spend with my moochies even if I have to serve them food as early as 6am and even if my hands scratched everytime they want to wriggle free during the baths and even if i have to clean up the their 'stuffs' (technically, it isnt me, i am the one who will eee eee uuu uuu at the back of my mom while she is doing the cleaning).

I really miss my moochies. Having Oyen, Utey and their mom during my summer holiday has been a blessing.

The mom and the kids (first batch). The kittens are eventually died after several separate incidences.
The mom and the kids (second batch). One died due to tumour, Oyen and Utey are still alive, fit and well.

P/S: Today is my birthday and I don't feel like going out. Ya Allah, all I want is just happiness..happy years, happy family and happy friends..