The top 10 reasons why Jesus isn’t God?
(I love this show very much and I bet you will love it too so please watch the full video with your open mind and your humble heart to get better understanding of who God is)
The top 10 reasons why Jesus isn’t God?
By: Joshua Evans
American Former Christian Youth Minister. He reverted to Islam 5 years ago from Christianity and he totally believe in the Islamic Creed that there is none worthy of worship but Allah (God) and Muhammad (saw) is his final messenger. Jesus was only a prophet (peace be upon him) of God.
Before we (referring to the host Eddie and Joshua Evans the guest in the show) start, we want to make clear that we love Jesus, he is very dear to us. Jesus in Islam, which means surrender and submission to the creator of heaven and earth but he never claim divinity. What we are trying to do here is to help give the true nature of who God is.
-Muslims love Jesus
-Muslims believe in Jesus
-Jesus was a messenger of God
10) God cannot be born
-God was not born
-Jesus was born
9) There is no explicit verses in any scripture or text especially the Bible that said so
-Jesus never said “I’m God”
-Jesus never said “Worship me”
-No explicit statement ever in the Bible that said so
8) No one has seen God at any time
-No one has ever seen God
-People saw Jesus
-No one can see God in this life
7) Trinity concept was not taught by Jesus. This whole concept of Trinity did not come about until the 3rd century of the church and this is not formulated as a doctrine and must be believed in until 325 AD
-Jesus never taught the Trinity
-Word Trinity no where in the Bible
-Trinity is something man made
6) God by His very nature is self-sufficent, He does not need anything to continue His existence
-God don’t sleep, eat, drink, etc
-Jesus slept, ate food, drank
-Jesus is a messenger not God
5) Jesus claim that God knowledge is greater than him
-God knows everything
-Jesus didn’t know everything
-Jesus is a messenger not God
4) Jesus explicitly stated that he is not God
-“This is eternal life: to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3)
3) Son of God is not an exclusive title
-God doesn’t die
-God doesn’t have children
-God doesn’t have human needs
2) God cannot change
-Only God is perfect
-God doesn’t change
-God message has always been the same
1) God is the essence of worship
What God wants of you:
-Worship God alone and not His creations
-Obey God and not your desires
-Submit and surrender to God alone in peace