No words can explain the tiredness of me
Mmg penat. Bukan senang nak berpindah randah. Byk mende nak kene settle. Beli tue, beli nie. Register tue, register nie. Call sane, Call sini. Mmg lumrah org berpindah kot, kalo tak, tak dinamakan berpindah.
Lepas dh berpindah, kene settle pasal jrs plak. Nasib baiklaa depa nie semua tahu cara nak berdikari. Best jugaklaa. Tapi kekadang cam tension, asal laa tak banyak tanye sgt depa nie, tak macam kiteorg dlu, seme bende tanye kat Sr.
Dh dua minggu kat kelas. Okaylaa. Jumpe classmate lame. Classmate baru. Ade sorang nie dr Bermuda. I think she the first from that country. Belajar makin banyak. Makin susah. Kelas packed. Dr pagi smpi petang. Takde mase utk diri sendiri. Nasib baik, hr Rabu lepas cuti, bleh jugak renew Garda Card yang dikenakan 100E (Nasib baik bleh claim kat MARA).
Ekonomi cam biasa laa. Jual baju+buku terpakai plak. Dh berapa kali gi umah Kak Linda, sort baju yang bleh dijual dan baju yg xleh dijual. Letak harga. Segregate into smaller bags so that the guyz can carry them using their bikes. Jualan kad raya cam tak berapa bagus. Byk competitors laa this year. Maybe the promotion shud have start earlier.
Taekwando. Akhirnya, I took part in martial arts after unfinished Silat Cekak Hanafiah. Lenguh kaki dan pinggang laa skang nie. The fact that the trainers were handsome doesn't bother us. Huhu. Gatal tul.
Iftar free kat Dublin Mq cam dh x best sbb slalu x dpt Tandoori. Tapi hari nie Ain+Izyan buat iftar kat umah depa utk usrah mates n the best part is i'm one of them. Makan free lagi.
Dapat text dr Lorraine pasal PMC RCSI-UCD Sports day. Nak join ke tak? Malasnye. Bukan pemain yang berjaya, tapi boleh je nak try. Tengok dlu laa.
Telephone kat rumah x masuk lagi. Hampir sbln kat sini, baru 2 kali call umah. Teruknye.
Dah2, merapu nie.
(This blog owner has decided to change her blog status into diary entry only for this time)
Harap maklum.
Lepas dh berpindah, kene settle pasal jrs plak. Nasib baiklaa depa nie semua tahu cara nak berdikari. Best jugaklaa. Tapi kekadang cam tension, asal laa tak banyak tanye sgt depa nie, tak macam kiteorg dlu, seme bende tanye kat Sr.
Dh dua minggu kat kelas. Okaylaa. Jumpe classmate lame. Classmate baru. Ade sorang nie dr Bermuda. I think she the first from that country. Belajar makin banyak. Makin susah. Kelas packed. Dr pagi smpi petang. Takde mase utk diri sendiri. Nasib baik, hr Rabu lepas cuti, bleh jugak renew Garda Card yang dikenakan 100E (Nasib baik bleh claim kat MARA).
Ekonomi cam biasa laa. Jual baju+buku terpakai plak. Dh berapa kali gi umah Kak Linda, sort baju yang bleh dijual dan baju yg xleh dijual. Letak harga. Segregate into smaller bags so that the guyz can carry them using their bikes. Jualan kad raya cam tak berapa bagus. Byk competitors laa this year. Maybe the promotion shud have start earlier.
Taekwando. Akhirnya, I took part in martial arts after unfinished Silat Cekak Hanafiah. Lenguh kaki dan pinggang laa skang nie. The fact that the trainers were handsome doesn't bother us. Huhu. Gatal tul.
Iftar free kat Dublin Mq cam dh x best sbb slalu x dpt Tandoori. Tapi hari nie Ain+Izyan buat iftar kat umah depa utk usrah mates n the best part is i'm one of them. Makan free lagi.
Dapat text dr Lorraine pasal PMC RCSI-UCD Sports day. Nak join ke tak? Malasnye. Bukan pemain yang berjaya, tapi boleh je nak try. Tengok dlu laa.
Telephone kat rumah x masuk lagi. Hampir sbln kat sini, baru 2 kali call umah. Teruknye.
Dah2, merapu nie.
(This blog owner has decided to change her blog status into diary entry only for this time)
Harap maklum.
ho ho..pindah gak ko ek?
slamat ber-sekolah =p
men, at October 13, 2006 10:00 PM
alamat kad raya nih masih valid ke?
kang tak dapat, sedey la plak...heh
esok anta insyaAllah
Naqiuddin Zairi, at October 19, 2006 12:32 AM
nak kad raye...alamat yg kite kasik kat ym hr tue paling latest...takkan nak suro aku pindah lagi skali kot...eid mubarak to u.
nathrah_yusoff, at October 20, 2006 11:22 AM
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